Thursday, December 6, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
So, it's been a long time since I wrote anything for the blog but things
are going well. I'm being transferred to a different area. Ramos. It's
closer to the center of Rio though. It's like part of the metropolitan
area of Rio. But, I'm sad to leave this area, and my comp and the people
here in this ward and area. Twas fun while it lasted. I hope that
things will be good there in Ramos. Especially with my birthday and
christmas coming up. But things are good with me and I'm learning more
and growing everyday. Well, thats all for now, untill next time.
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Monday, Aug 27, 2012
Hey everyone so I know it's been a while since I wrote anything but
I am doing fine. I'm workin hard and tryin hard to be a good friend to
my comp and help a bunch of people. It's getting hotter here, and it
hasn't rained in a long time. So thats a bit of a bummer. But things are
going good. Time is flying. And I really like the area that I'm in.
Even though a majority of the roads are dirt and my shoes are always
dirty, the members are super nice. But yeah anyways, I hope that all is
well on the homefront. Until next time.
Elder Bender
Monday, July 30, 2012
So this week was good. We had an awesome conference with the Brasil area
president Elder Claudio R.M. Costa of the quorum of the Seventy. Twas
super legit. He spoke about many things that I can apply and learn from
in my mission and my life right now. So it was an awesome learning
experience to say the least. We had to go to Rio super early in the
morning to miss all the traffic and stuff. That was lame. But I got to
see some cool places because we fell asleep on the bus and missed our
stop. But the ride back to our area after the conference was totally
lame. bus was full and we had to stand for like 3 hours on the bus in
rush hour traffic. Took like 2 hours to cross the bridge from rio to
Níteroi which normally takes only 7 minutes to cross. When we got back
to the apartment I was dead tired. Passed out and didn't wake up till
morning. And in the morning I was still tired. But anyways that is all,
untill next week.
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Monday, July 23, 2012
So this week was good, and we baptized! Eva and João. Was a bit of a
struggle to get everything ready and set for the baptism, We had to go
to another chapel in another nearby city to have the baptism. But it was
good. Had a good week workin well and helpin people. I would send
pictures but at the moment I cannot send them using this LAN house. But I
will send pictures in the future. I have continued to find a bunch of
old coins here. Well older coins not super old. But thats cool. It's a
cool area with lots of cool people. Well until next week.
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Monday, July 16, 2012
So I got transferred to Apolo. It's back in Rio. It's between the cities
of São Gonçalo and Itaboraí. So it's really close to the area that I
worked in about a year ago. Had a big stake party thing on Saturday. I
got to see a bunch of the people that I met and worked with back in that
area. Was super cool to see a ton of awesome people again. Especially
one of my recent converts. Also got to see 2 of my past comps at
transfers. So that was cool. One went home. Mission completed. Took a
with him so that was cool. But yeah this week my comp and I worked
decently. Brasillian. Only speaks portuguese. Awesome. Exactly what I
wanted. Blessing for sure. Although I'm seeing that the mission is
making me a little nit picky and easily annoyed. Not sure why. Maybe I
need to learn more patience instead of losing it like I have been. Who
knows maybe once you hit your maximum you just start to lose it. This
new area is quite different. People are more receptive. And the
Ward is far more willing to work with us and to help the work. So thats
pretty legit. Also the chapel is a big house. And the baptismal font is a
pool! It's big, and dirty. We get to clean it this week. Should be
fun.......We're working with a few people at the moment. Nothing in
particular has happened, thats super incredible anyways. Found a ton of
old coins here in this area. Thats interesting. Found lioke 11 of them
yesterday. It's easier to find them after it rains. But yeah thats
pretty much it for this last week. It was a good week though.
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Friday, July 13, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
I got transferred. Gonna have a brasillian comp. I'm looking forward to
it. Gonna be just me and him in that place. And apparently he's from
Ceara which is awesome. My second comp was from there and he was
hilarious. My LD says my new comp is practically the same. So, this
should be a interesting transfer. I'm sad to have to leave this area and a bunch of the people that I have
met and grown to love. But, it's for the best and the Lord needs me in
my next area. The lame thing is that food is going to be more expensive and same thing
with buses. And it's a bit hotter. But oh well. Should be good.
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Monday, June 25, 2012
Things are going good. Not really a lot of new people to teach. But, our
recent converts are progressing nicely. Maria received the holy ghost
yesterday at sacrament meeting. And she had a good experience. The main
thing about this week was the fact that we were able to help a past
recent convert that my last comp and I baptized. She doesn't have a
testimony. And it was mostly because of the way things were rushed. But
she's working on it. And we're prayin for her a lot and the Ward is going
to help out a bunch too. This ward is changing and getting better. So
it's a good thing. But this week we should be doin a decent amount of
stuff. So should be good. Been eating a lot of pancakes since I got
Emily's recipe. I made a decent sized batch of Syrup and put it in a
glass bottle. So been eatin decently. It's a nice taste of home. Even
though the brown sugar here isn't refined and has an odd taste. But then
again everyone tells me that al the best stuff gets imported to the
States and all the bad stuff stays here and is sold to the people. Now
that I think about it I probably ought to get some more
cookies......Jubilee jumbles with burnt butter frosting....?
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Monday, June 18, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Well, This week was good. Seemed kind of long. Don't know why......we
were relatively busy. Well more towards the end of the week but yeah. I
today that the blog is a bit behind. Anyways, had some interesting
things happen. Had some
humbling experiences happen. So that was good but I expected it and it
was a good
experience. But, my companion and I baptized this week. That Lady I told
you about, Maria. She's awesome. She's getting integrated into the ward
nicely, and I think she'll be a great member. Also
Cintia our other convert got confirmed yesterday. She's awesome. So all
in all it was a good week. Today my comp and I will be celebrating with
milkshakes and maybe pancakes.....I'm stoked! And this next week we got
lots to do and lots of people to meet and help. So I'm also stoked for
that too. Well, until next week,
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Monday, June 11, 2012
So this week was a bit slow and difficult. Mostly because we are having
trouble finding people to teach. However, we did have some success with
an investigator who is the girlfriend of a less active member. She
really wants to help her boyfriend to get active in church and stop
drinking and smoking. Also she is super super awesome. She's such a good
person. I can feel the goodness radiating from her. It's crazy.
Honestly I haven't yet met someone like her here. She's just so kind.
It's rediculous. So needless to say I'm stoked to work with them and to
help them out. Now I just gottqa do all I can to have the spirit with me
when I go there and help them to feel it. So the Dedication of the Temple in Manaus was AWESOME! President Deiter
F. Uchdorf presided with Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the 12 and
Also Elder Walker of the 70. But we got to go to all 3 sessions which
were broadcasted at the stake center. Was super awesome. Learned alot
about the blessings of the temple and also about temples. Learned some
stuff that went completely over my head when I went to the Nauvoo Temple
dedication. So all in all it was a great experience. Helped me out a
lot. Mostly because we don't have a temple here and it was an
opportunity to feel the spirit of the temple there in the chapel which
was an extension of the temple during the session. But President Uchdorf
was Hilarious during the sealing of the cornerstone. The translator was
doing nothing so all the brasilians missed out. But it was hilarious
all of his ''comments''. But anyways, thats about it for now, until next week.
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Monday, June 4, 2012
So this week was a bit slow, mostly because we had trouble finding
people to teach. And we had alot of cancelations. But thats alright.
BECAUSE, we are teaching this Lady who is awesome. She's progressing
nicely. We're planning on a baptism for the 24th of this month. So that
should be legit. But yeah. I'm starting to see the great blessings of
the Lord in my service. Especially those that come from testifying of
the truth. I'm starting to really see a difference in our investigators
and their actions. So that is really cool, because it means that the
Spirit is testifying to the truth of our words, and it's making a
difference in the lives of our investigators. This next Sunday, we get
to see a Temple dedication of the Manaus Temple! So it will be the first
time being in a temple since I left the CTM in São Paulo. It will be
because the First Presidency said that all the chapels that show the
live broadcast will be extensions of the temple. So it will be a unique
experience that I'm looking forward to. Anyways, until next week.
Elder Bender
Monday, May 28, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
So this week was much better than last week. We had much more success
and met some really awesome people. Also we had a baptism! Cintia was
baptized yesterday after church. She's awesome. She's really intelligent
and she's only 16. It's rediculous. She has a passion for learning.
Especially for learning the things of God through the scriptures. It's
awesome. Also this week we got lots to do and lots to learn and stuff
because me and my comp stayed together here in the same area. So as I
said lots to do and lots to learn. I'm excited for this next week and
for this next transfer.
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
So this week was a doosey. In the way of not much happened. Searched
alot for new people and found plenty. Sad thing was though that they
didn't have time or didn't want anything. So that sucks. But we found a
girl by the name of Cintia, she's legit. She's very smart and is
progressing quickly. She loved church yesterday and she had a ton of
questions afterwards. But she loved it all. So she has been a ray of
sunshine to us to make these past few weeks completely worth the effort.
Also it's been consistently cold here. Like 60 degrees farenheit every
morning most times a bit colder than that. Like 57. So thats
interesting. We've been freezing each day in the mornings, bundling up
like eskimoes almost. I'm glad I brought a pair of long john bottoms. I
know right weird.....I'm in Brasil where it's warm and I brought long
johns. Actually I think I was inspired to do so because when I was
packing I got the thought that I should and the thought came to mind.
It's going to be hot there. But then I threw them in just in case. And
turns out it's been cold and it's a good thing I brought them. Along
with a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. So, I havent been suffering from
the cold too much. But yeah anyways thats pretty much all thats happened
this week. Well of importance anyways. I bought a sweet portuguese to
english dictionary last monday. Cost me like 50 bucks. But, it was worth
it. It is an awesome dictionary. anyways, until next week. Elder Bender
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
So, this week was a bit slow. Not much success. But we were blessed
to be able to see a miracle. An elder here had a huge surprise when his
whole family showed up and he got to baptize his Father! His father had
been anti mormon for like 40 years and I guess some missionary visited
his parents home and listened to the spirit and said what the father
needed to hear. Now that Elder's family is complete. And they can
recieve the blessings of having an eternal family here in about a year.
It was a very emotional baptismal meeting. And the spirit was poured out
in abundance. Was a great experience to be able to be a part of. It
taught me many things. But one in particular, that the Lord is aware of
all of us, and is preparing the means to bless us in our lives with all
that he has to offer, if we do what he asks we are worthy of those
blessings and happiness, and we will recieve them. That I know for
Elder Bender
Monday, May 7, 2012
Monday, May 7, 2012
So this week was a bit difficult. Mostly because there is so much to do
and so little time in the day to do all of it. Also I'm finding it very
difficult to find those elects. But We are showing the members that we
are wanting to work and that we are good missionaries, so hopefully the
references will start coming soon. But until then we will continue to
work hard and do everything we can, plus a little more with the help of
the Lord. I am super excited for sunday, not only to call home but to
see this one lady and her awesome son go to church. They are legit. I
know they will love it. And the mom is kind of sensative to the spirit.
Like, she feels the difference it makes everytime we're around and
everytime she reads the Book of Mormon. So needless to say I'm excited
for them. Now it's just up to prayers and helping the members to make
them feel welcome. But yeah, got another week of hard work comin up. And
zone conference on Friday. So that should be really good. Anyways, Anyways, I'm sending a photo of a thing I made and put on the bulletin
board at church. Its pretty funny. The words mean, Row together, work
with one another and progress. Thats it for this week, until the next!
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
So, this last week was a toughy. New companion, and lots to do.
Especially for me. My comp doesn't speak portuguese very well so I kind
of have to do 90% of the talking. But oh well, I needed the chance to
grow and to better my speaking abilities in the Language. And I'm super
thankful to my last companion Morgan Gentry, who helped me out a ton
with the language. It's halping me to help my companion that I have now.
But we worked hard this week with not much success. But on the
brightside, I got to see this one lady at church yesterday that me and
Elder Elliott taught. That was cool, because she loved the first lesson
and then she went traveling to Cabo Frio, my first area in the mission.
And we passed the information on to the elders there and we never heard
back about her. But turns out she got baptized! And she remembered me
from when we taught her. So that was really cool to see her and to learn
that our efforts made a difference in her life. We may not have been
the ones to baptize her but we opened the door and helped her to start
along the path.
Elder Bender
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
So, we baptized this week. A guy named Isaías. Which means Isaiah. He's
super legit. He's got alot of difficulties in his life but he wants to
follow Christ and be on the right path in his life. And his baptism was a
great start along the path of Christ.. Anyways, so this week was kind
of slow. My comp was kind of getting everything ready for this week.
He's going back to the good 'ol USA on thursday. But anyways, twas a
good week. Transfers are up and now my new comp is another American.
Elder Davis. So it will be interesting to meet him tomorrow. Also
tomorrow is the day of the Special conference with Quentin L. Cook of
the Quorum of the 12 Apostles. So that will be really cool to hear again
from an apostle of the Lord. The last time we had a special conference
with David A. Bednar also of the Quorum of the 12 apostles and that was
really awesome. They teach so well and you can just feel that they truly
have been called of God as apostles to teach us His gospel and help us
to help our fellow man better than we knew how. It's a major blessing to
be able to be in the same room and be taught by an apostle of the Lord.
I'm excited for tomorrow. Anyways, thats about it for this last week.
Until next week,
Elder Bender
Monday, April 16, 2012
So this week my comp and I tried some new ways to contact people.
Like setting up a table in front of the church and talking to anyone who
showed any interest. We made lots of contacts and some people said we
could go to their houses and share a message with them and their
families. But, sadly, the ones we went and looked for were not home or
the address didn't exist. And then my comp got sick and has been sick
for a few days now. Like thursday through today. So that has been
fun.......but mostly boring. But we had a man show up at church that we
contacted in the street. Really cool guy. Really wants to follow Christ
and know the truth. We'll be teaching him tomorrow again. Gunna be cool
because he's awesome. Totally an elect of the Lord. But also this next
week is transfers. Which means new companion, and also going to the
special conference with Quentin L. Cook of the quorum of the twelve
apostles on Tuesday. It's going to be really cool to listen to an
apostle of God in person. And in english! Anyways, thats about it for
this week, hope everyone is doing well.
Elder Bender
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
So this week was a difficult one. Here in Brasil, or maybe just in this particular area, lots of people travel for easter and visit everywhere else. So the city was pretty dead this week. We only able to find one person who was interested in our message. Pretty much everyone else that answered their door was Espírita and wanted nothing to do with us. And for those that don't know what Espíritisma is or ''Spiritism'' Its a religion that was invented by some white dude who basically just wanted money and preached reincarnation and that spirits exist and they can manifest themselves if you do sayance type stuff. Also that you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as you are nice to others and a relatively good person. But then they don't have standards or morals so there isn't anything to really explain how they should be besides that they know they shouldn't kill. It's weird. Because they believe that people who are really bad, are punished in their next life by being reborn as a person with a mental handicap or disability so they can't do anything bad. But because they did nothing bad in that life they are rewarded in their next life with a life full of opportunities and privelage. Also they preach progression of knowledge but they don't remember their past lives so they don't actually progress in knowledge at all. It's weird. But yeah, that was pretty much all that happened this week. Quite the memorable week. Hope everyone had a great Easter and that everyone took some time to ponder on the sacrifice Jesus made for each one of you. And also the events that took place afterwards in which he won the victory over death that we also may do so to fulfill the plan that was made for all of us to return and stand before our maker and be judged according to our works and recieve our just rewards. And also that through the sacrifice of Christ if we repent of our sins, when we stand to be judged, Christ will be our advocate with the Father and prove to the Father that he has taken our sins upon him and that our garments are clean. Remember this sacrifice and seek to be worthy of it through repentance. Love you all and hope you are all well.
Elder Bender
Monday, April 2, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
So, Conference was good and stuff. If you didn't see it, you should watch it. general-conference?lang=eng Go watch it! Anyone will for sure benefit from it. Other than that not much exciting happened. Sad I know. I taught a brazillian that speaks english, in English. That was cool. A little strange because I'm not used to it but cool. And yeah thats pretty much about it. Oh and my comp and I discovered that capybaras do their waste business outside of the water too. Also they run quite fast and are quite expert divers. And that is about it for this week, until next week.
Elder Bender
Monday, March 26, 2012
So this week was kind of slow. Mostly because we had more downs than ups. But however , we had a baptism! A little girl by the name of Alice. She's turning 11 today. Anyways she is the daughter of a recently re-activated member. They are a really cool family. Also went on a division in the other area here with Elder Braithwaith, that was cool. We had fun and we taught some really cool people. And one guy who was really awesome who really has been prepared by the Lord and wants to know the truth and just get closer to God in his life. So that was a great experience to be able to help him out and answer alot of his questions. It really is amazing how true the gospel is. And how God still speaks to man in our day. He gives us all we need to know and do through our beloved prophet and apostles. To lead us and guide us back to Him because he really loves us more than we can comprehend and doesn't want us to be lost in this world, full of uncertainty not knowing the true path back to his presence though His son Jesus Christ. I love helping people to learn and come to know this for themselves. The spirit is always really strong in those visits with people who really truly desire the truth. These experiences make it all worthwhile.
Elder Bender
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
So this week was a little boring/disappointing. Alot of nothing happened. Mostly because alot of appointments fell. Woot. Spent alot of time walking in the street talking with my comp about strongbad emails and teen girl squad. Twas quite the convo. In reality, today is alright for tonight. And big muscly arms coming out the back of necks is totally legit. Also homestarrunner makes a good Strongbad and insults perfectly. But anyways, My comp touched a capybara. That was funny. And we also met some really nice people. Worked alot and searched forever but we did manage to find some. So we have them to look forward to this week. Oddly we had some really really good lunches this last week. And the members seem to like us alot more now. Mostly because we baptized Irma Aparecida and her daughter. They all thought it was impossible when we told them we were teaching her and her daughter. But then, because of inspiration from God and a miracle from hard work, they were both baptized. The members were impressed. So hopefully they will be more willing to work with us more often now. But they are good. Just like most members in the world. And we love them. Looking forward to this week.
Elder Bender
Monday, March 12, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Well it turned out to be an exciting week! We had 2 baptisms! A mother and her youngest daughter. So that was a great day. Was also a bit interesting because the mom has a fear of water. So it was a little difficult for her. But we helped her though it. And now there are 2 more members in the family of 5. Just one that hasn't been baptized. But yeah also I found out today I'm staying here with Elder Elliot for another 6 weeks. So thats going to be cool. I'll probably get to go with him to Rio in 6 weeks and we'll go over by Copacabana and hit up some really cool stores over there. Should be sweet. But thats in 6 weeks. Anyways, things are looking good for this next 6 weeks I'm hoping to continue to learn alot and do lots of good in this area. Well, until next week.
Elder Bender
Elder Bender
Baptism from two weeks ago. |
Last week's baptisms. |
Spencer FINALLY upgraded to better more walking everywhere!! LOL!! Just kidding...I don't know if they call this a donkey or a burro down there?? |
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
So this week not alot has happened. Had some dissappointment this last week because none of our investigators went to church. However we are trying to reactivate this family in our ward and one of the daughters came to church with the active brother. So that made me happy. But yeah I´ve been seeing capybaras like almost everyday. So thats cool. Also it´s been pretty warm lately. Which is a bummer as well. But oh well I´m drinking a ton of water everyday because of it. Never thought I could drink and eat so much in a single day as I do. But thats what happens when you´re out walking around in the hot sun all day. I´m workin hard and enjoyin it. Transfers are next week. So that will be interesting. Hoping to stay. Pretty sure I will but only God knows for sure. Well until next week!
Monday, February 27, 2012
So, this week was a bit weird, but also kind of the same ´ol. We had a ton of investigators who said they were going to church. Then whe we went to go get them on sunday...........they weren´t home and they weren´t at church either. So that´s always dissappointing, however. One of our investigators was ready and waiting for us at her house with everything she needed for her baptism later that night........and......she called and payed for a taxi and we all rode to the church together. Awesome. She loved church and she got baptized later last night. Twas a good day. Euza (lady that got baptized) is super awesome. She´s hilarous too. She is retired and just stays home most days reading the bible and singing hymns to herself and just loves the Word of God and anything to do with God. She´s awesome, she not only accepted our messages right away, but she loved them, and she sees how much we have been blessed with the fullness of the gospel, a prophet and apostles in our days. She´s so legit. Haha she´s super funny because she is a bit forgetful. She has realy bad short term memory. But after a day she remembers everything. She´s so fun to talk to because of it. But like I said she does remember it the next day and she´s really smart and on top of things. But yeah she wants us to teach her daughter´s family and stuff so we have that and a ton of other stuff to do this week. So, busy busy. Anyways, that is all until next week!
Spencer's Companion with some Capybaras |
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
So not a whole lot happened here this last week. Carnaval was going on. No I didn´t get any pictures. In our area it was mostly just big groups of people filling the streets near bars with lots of loud music and drunk people dancing and junk. Pretty lame. And I guess on Saturday it was just Gay and drunk people in the streets near our apartment. Good thing I was sick that day and didn´t go outside. Oh yeah I was sick that day. So I slept for most of it. Things have been pretty lifeless here in the streets. Not many people out. It´s like a sickness epidemic is happening or something. Weird. Or zombie apocalypse. Seemed like it sometimes with only a few old people in the streets stumbling around drunk. Kind of funny but kind of scary too. Anyways, thats pretty much it here. Havent been able to do much work because we have had to be in early and our area is a decent distance away. And because people are just not available.......but anyways, thats all until next week!
Sorry this is late getting posted! Been busy with baby all week!
Sorry this is late getting posted! Been busy with baby all week!
Spencer's New Nephew: Chance Amari Merton Born: Feb 16, 2012 |
Monday, February 13, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
So this week was a bit difficult. But we found a super legit girl who is actually really interrested in the church and not just us. So we taught her twice this week. But sadly her father would not allow her to go to church. So we were dissappointed yesterday. But we´re going to figure something out and hopefully work with the dad or something. Should be good. Also we had a crazy lady show up to church. One who is a chain smoker. We´ve tried to teach her and help her bu she doesn´t think smoking is that bad or that she should quit. She´s been smoking for 30 years and she´s like 50 something. It´s messed up. It´s blows my mind that she could think that she doesn´t need to quit. 4 packs a day..........thats alot of money......daily. That alone is a good enough reason to quit. But anyways, Carnaval starts tommorrow and goes throughout the week. So that will be interesting. We don´t know what our rules are going to be with that. Or rather if we have to stay inside all day or if we just go home early. Still have to find out from our zone leaders. But yeah thats it for now. Wish I could send pics but these computers here at this LAN house are lame. Capybaras are huge.......and legit. I want to send a picture so bad. Well it´ll have to wait. Well until next week.
Elder Bender
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
So this week was interesting and full of craziness. So first off Juiz De Fora is super green, people have more money and it´s like the united states almost, well super markets are alot faster, food is cheaper here, bus is cheaper, the air is much cleaner, and it´s not as hot as Rio. So, it´s kind of like being in Oregon during the summer. Which is crazy. Oh and I have already seen capybaras and monkies. So there´s that too. Also there are tons of hills. The bus ride out here was crazy. We rode through this mountain and we were on the edge of these cliffs several times that looked out over these huge valleys fills with hills full of trees and stuff it was way cool. This area is awesome. It´s way more calm than Rio. I don´t have to worry about getting robbed here. Only in the favela but even there is pretty calm. Another interesting thing I have seen here are termite hills. There are alot more white people here which is also more like Oregon. It´s weird. This city is almost like a cross between Portland and Salem. It´s cool. But, the work here is much different. People here are very comfortable in their lives and aren´t interested in changing or doing anything different. I said it´s a bit difficult. But it´s good. My companion is from Dallas................Oregon. Small world huh? Anyways, he also amazingly knows a bunch of people that I know. Which is really funny and also crazy that we never met before the mission. Anyways, I´m excited to work here, carnaval is coming up, so thats going to be weird. Not sure whats going to happen with that but I hope all goes well and we don´t encounter naked people or crazy amounts of drunk people. So like I said, going to be weird. But, thats about it for this week. Until next week!
Elder Bender
Arial View of Juiz De Fora |
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
So this last week was kind of difficult because I was sick with pneumonia last weekend. But mostly because we were unable to keep in contact with the people we were teaching. And so they made other plans for the weekend and during the week and it was super hard to contact them during the week. So, things were kind of slow. Not too much to do and having to find new people, which is always a bit difficult. But we found some and have been teaching some nice people. Unfortunately transfers were posted online today on the mission website and I got transferred. So I will not be able to see our investigators progress. I will be going to Juiz de Fora which is in Minas Gerais.......Most of you don´t know this but it´s kind of rural and I think has lots of hills. So that should be fun. And it´s supposedly a difficult area. But with hard work and dilligence and also faith we can do miracles. So I´m going to it with that attitude. Going to have a long bus ride tomorrow.......I´m not too excited about that. Should be interesting. But, should be a fun transfer. Anyways, looking forward to meeting new amazing people. Until next week!
Elder Bender
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Monday, January 23, 2012
So this last week was a doosy. Halfway though the week I woke up with a fever. It flooded that night, woke up the next day with a fever still, tried to work some, didn´t work super well, but we did well anyways, that night my fever got really bad, like 103, we got a ride home in a car, that was legit, It had AC, then saturday woke up with a fever again, went to the hospital and did some tests, found out I have pneumonia, FREAK! Didn´t work Saturday or Sunday, our baptism fell and pretty much none of our investigators went to church, so it was a major bummer of a week. But now I have antibiotics, and I´m feeling much better so this week will be much better. And transfers are next week. I have no idea what is going to happen.........
Elder Bender
Monday, January 16, 2012
My companion and I had a baptism yesterday. A lady named Olinda. She is pretty cool. She has had a lot of emotional suffering in her life, with bad husband and losing two children. So the gospel has really helped her. She still kind of dwells on the past a little too much but we are helping her to do that. We had some trouble with her in the past. She didn´t want to get baptized. But we had some revelation given to us and we shared this really good conference talk with her and explained some things that the Lord wanted us to tell her. Afterwards, she gladly accepted the invitation to get baptized. And so we were able to baptize her this last sunday. It was great. It was a really cool experience to receive information like that specifically for her and to see the effects those things had on her. Actually being an instrument in the Lord´s hands to help another to make that was awesome. Anyways, so things are good here. Not to much more to talk about really. Accept that everyone is preparing for carnaval. Which is bad. Starting to see more and more bad things that we don´t want to see. Anyways, Thats pretty much it for this week, Hoping to baptize again next week. We have some really great investigators that we are working with. And maybe we´ll have two people getting baptized next week. I pray that we will. Until next week.....
Elder Bender
Spencer and his companion with Olinda on her baptism day! |
Monday, January 9, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
My companion and I are doin fine. We´re workin hard. Meeting good people, and we Baptized yesterday. So that was good. Caetano is a really good guy, and a super prepared investigator. He has a ton of faith and he was truly converted. He loves the Book of Mormon and he has a strong testimony. He accepted everything we taught him and he did everything we invited him to do. He was the perfect investigator. So, it was a good day for us and for him when he got baptized. We are workin hard trying to achieve our goals for this transfer which ends at the end of this month. And I know if we give our all we´ll make it. It´s going to be tough but I know it´s possible. I´m stoked to help more people in their lives. Also I think that it´s cockroach season. Like all of them hatched recently because there are a ton of small ones everywhere. And I see more of them each day. Oh also it´s raining alot more frequently lately. And there is alot of flooding in the state next to Rio. Apparently flooding is supposed to happen here too soon. And this week it´s supposed to rain alot. So that should be fun. Had a taste of it last night. Walked home from the church without an umbrella because my comp forgot money for the bus. We got drenched. Twas fun. But anyways, thats it for this week, until next week.
Elder Bender
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Monday, Jan 2, 2012
For everyone.
So this week was good. Things have been better. It hasn´t been that hot because it´s been raining everyday. Which is good for me because thats exactly how it is in Oregon during the winter. So, it´s good. And I think that soon My comp and I will be able to get a house that is actually in our area. So that will be nice. I won´t have to spend like 75 reais of my 130 that we get every two weeks on busses. It sucks. But this week was a good one. We had a Baptism! This little old Lady named Arli. Her baptism was a huge blessing because we happened to be in the right place at the right time to meet her. Because she lives in the favela and normally we don´t work there because it´s dangerous. But she saw us in the grocery store and stopped and talked to us. We got her address and stuff and marked a time to go and visit her. When we went to her house, we discovered that she is way poor and she has pretty much nothing, and that she has been waiting a long time to get baptized. She was supposed to get baptized like 8 or more years ago or something like that. But she had to go to the hospital so she didn´t go to church on the day she was supposed to get baptized. But she´s really cool. She´s a kind person and really just wants to follow Jesus Christ. We taught her everything again because it had been a long time since she last talked to the missionaries. She believes everything we taught her and she reads the Book of Mormon too. It´s realy cool. Her baptism was a big blessing for her because she´s been weighed down by guilt from many things in her life and she was really depressed. But her baptism has helped her to feel the love of the Lord in her life. It´s really cool to see firsthand how much the Lord blesses those that follow him and keep his commandments, and how he cares for and looks after each one of his children. I´m loving the work and the opportunity I have to help others.
Elder Bender
So this week was good. Things have been better. It hasn´t been that hot because it´s been raining everyday. Which is good for me because thats exactly how it is in Oregon during the winter. So, it´s good. And I think that soon My comp and I will be able to get a house that is actually in our area. So that will be nice. I won´t have to spend like 75 reais of my 130 that we get every two weeks on busses. It sucks. But this week was a good one. We had a Baptism! This little old Lady named Arli. Her baptism was a huge blessing because we happened to be in the right place at the right time to meet her. Because she lives in the favela and normally we don´t work there because it´s dangerous. But she saw us in the grocery store and stopped and talked to us. We got her address and stuff and marked a time to go and visit her. When we went to her house, we discovered that she is way poor and she has pretty much nothing, and that she has been waiting a long time to get baptized. She was supposed to get baptized like 8 or more years ago or something like that. But she had to go to the hospital so she didn´t go to church on the day she was supposed to get baptized. But she´s really cool. She´s a kind person and really just wants to follow Jesus Christ. We taught her everything again because it had been a long time since she last talked to the missionaries. She believes everything we taught her and she reads the Book of Mormon too. It´s realy cool. Her baptism was a big blessing for her because she´s been weighed down by guilt from many things in her life and she was really depressed. But her baptism has helped her to feel the love of the Lord in her life. It´s really cool to see firsthand how much the Lord blesses those that follow him and keep his commandments, and how he cares for and looks after each one of his children. I´m loving the work and the opportunity I have to help others.
Elder Bender
Spencer with Arli on her baptism day!
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