Saturday, March 24, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

So this week was a little boring/disappointing. Alot of nothing happened. Mostly because alot of appointments fell. Woot. Spent alot of time walking in the street talking with my comp about strongbad emails and teen girl squad. Twas quite the convo. In reality, today is alright for tonight. And big muscly arms coming out the back of necks is totally legit. Also homestarrunner makes a good Strongbad and insults perfectly. But anyways, My comp touched a capybara. That was funny. And we also met some really nice people. Worked alot and searched forever but we did manage to find some. So we have them to look forward to this week. Oddly we had some really really good lunches this last week. And the members seem to like us alot more now. Mostly because we baptized Irma Aparecida and her daughter. They all thought it was impossible when we told them we were teaching her and her daughter. But then, because of inspiration from God and a miracle from hard work, they were both baptized. The members were impressed. So hopefully they will be more willing to work with us more often now. But they are good. Just like most members in the world. And we love them. Looking forward to this week. 

Elder Bender

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