Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

So this week was kind of slow. Mostly because we had more downs than ups. But however , we had a baptism! A little girl by the name of Alice. She's turning 11 today. Anyways she is the daughter of a recently re-activated member. They are a really cool family. Also went on a division in the other area here with Elder Braithwaith, that was cool. We had fun and we taught some really cool people. And one guy who was really awesome who really has been prepared by the Lord and wants to know the truth and just get closer to God in his life. So that was a great experience to be able to help him out and answer alot of his questions. It really is amazing how true the gospel is. And how God still speaks to man in our day. He gives us all we need to know and do through our beloved prophet and apostles. To lead us and guide us back to Him because he really loves us more than we can comprehend and doesn't want us to be lost in this world, full of uncertainty not knowing the true path back to his presence though His son Jesus Christ. I love helping people to learn and come to know this for themselves. The spirit is always really strong in those visits with people who really truly desire the truth. These experiences make it all worthwhile. 

Elder Bender

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