So not a whole lot happened here this last week. Carnaval was going on. No I didn´t get any pictures. In our area it was mostly just big groups of people filling the streets near bars with lots of loud music and drunk people dancing and junk. Pretty lame. And I guess on Saturday it was just Gay and drunk people in the streets near our apartment. Good thing I was sick that day and didn´t go outside. Oh yeah I was sick that day. So I slept for most of it. Things have been pretty lifeless here in the streets. Not many people out. It´s like a sickness epidemic is happening or something. Weird. Or zombie apocalypse. Seemed like it sometimes with only a few old people in the streets stumbling around drunk. Kind of funny but kind of scary too. Anyways, thats pretty much it here. Havent been able to do much work because we have had to be in early and our area is a decent distance away. And because people are just not available.......but anyways, thats all until next week!
Sorry this is late getting posted! Been busy with baby all week!
Spencer's New Nephew: Chance Amari Merton
Born: Feb 16, 2012 |
OH MY GOSH .. This baby is very beautiful! Congratulations to his parents and to you.