Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

So this week was a difficult one. Here in Brasil, or maybe just in this particular area, lots of people travel for easter and visit everywhere else. So the city was pretty dead this week. We only able to find one person who was interested in our message. Pretty much everyone else that answered their door was EspĂ­rita and wanted nothing to do with us. And for those that don't know what EspĂ­ritisma is or ''Spiritism'' Its a religion that was invented by some white dude who basically just wanted money and preached reincarnation and that spirits exist and they can manifest themselves if you do sayance type stuff. Also that you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as you are nice to others and a relatively good person. But then they don't have standards or morals so there isn't anything to really explain how they should be besides that they know they shouldn't kill. It's weird. Because they believe that people who are really bad, are punished in their next life by being reborn as a person with a mental handicap or disability so they can't do anything bad. But because they did nothing bad in that life they are rewarded in their next life with a life full of opportunities and privelage. Also they preach progression of knowledge but they don't remember their past lives so they don't actually progress in knowledge at all. It's weird. But yeah, that was pretty much all that happened this week. Quite the memorable week. Hope everyone had a great Easter and that everyone took some time to ponder on the sacrifice Jesus made for each one of you. And also the events that took place afterwards in which he won the victory over death that we also may do so to fulfill the plan that was made for all of us to return and stand before our maker and be judged according to our works and recieve our just rewards. And also that through the sacrifice of Christ if we repent of our sins, when we stand to be judged, Christ will be our advocate with the Father and prove to the Father that he has taken our sins upon him and that our garments are clean. Remember this sacrifice and seek to be worthy of it through repentance. Love you all and hope you are all well. 

Elder Bender

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