Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Monday, January 30, 2012

So this last week was kind of difficult because I was sick with pneumonia last weekend. But mostly because we were unable to keep in contact with the people we were teaching. And so they made other plans for the weekend and during the week and it was super hard to contact them during the week. So, things were kind of slow. Not too much to do and having to find new people, which is always a bit difficult. But we found some and have been teaching some nice people. Unfortunately transfers were posted online today on the mission website and I got transferred. So I will not be able to see our investigators progress. I will be going to Juiz de Fora which is in Minas Gerais.......Most of you don´t know this but it´s kind of rural and I think has lots of hills. So that should be fun. And it´s supposedly a difficult area. But with hard work and dilligence and also faith we can do miracles. So I´m going to it with that attitude. Going to have a long bus ride tomorrow.......I´m not too excited about that. Should be interesting. But, should be a fun transfer. Anyways, looking forward to meeting new amazing people. Until next week!

Elder Bender  

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