Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

So this week was interesting and full of craziness. So first off Juiz De Fora is super green, people have more money and it´s like the united states almost, well super markets are alot faster, food is cheaper here, bus is cheaper, the air is much cleaner, and it´s not as hot as Rio. So, it´s kind of like being in Oregon during the summer. Which is crazy. Oh and I have already seen capybaras and monkies. So there´s that too. Also there are tons of hills. The bus ride out here was crazy. We rode through this mountain and we were on the edge of these cliffs several times that looked out over these huge valleys fills with hills full of trees and stuff it was way cool. This area is awesome. It´s way more calm than Rio. I don´t have to worry about getting robbed here. Only in the favela but even there is pretty calm. Another interesting thing I have seen here are termite hills. There are alot more white people here which is also more like Oregon. It´s weird. This city is almost like a cross between Portland and Salem. It´s cool. But, the work here is much different. People here are very comfortable in their lives and aren´t interested in changing or doing anything different. So......as I said it´s a bit difficult. But it´s good. My companion is from Dallas................Oregon. Small world huh? Anyways, he also amazingly knows a bunch of people that I know. Which is really funny and also crazy that we never met before the mission. Anyways, I´m excited to work here, carnaval is coming up, so thats going to be weird. Not sure whats going to happen with that but I hope all goes well and we don´t encounter naked people or crazy amounts of drunk people. So like I said, going to be weird. But, thats about it for this week. Until next week!

Elder Bender
Arial View of Juiz De Fora

1 comment:

  1. Looks really beautiful there Spencer. I am glad you are staying busy, meeting new people, seeing the world as many people live outside our "sterile" existence here in the U.S. I know it will fill you with new insight and wisdom as it seems obvious that it already has in many ways. I read your posts and see your youthful eagerness to fulfill your mission and do the best you can. It is inspiring and although I am not of the Mormon faith, I understand your goals and desires to bring what you believe to those who might be yearning for something they are missing. I hope you stay safe, have a good time in this city, and come home with many pictures and more stories. Is there anything you need or want that I can send you? Let me know when you have a chance.
    Your auntie Barb
