So this week was a doosey. In the way of not much happened. Searched
alot for new people and found plenty. Sad thing was though that they
didn't have time or didn't want anything. So that sucks. But we found a
girl by the name of Cintia, she's legit. She's very smart and is
progressing quickly. She loved church yesterday and she had a ton of
questions afterwards. But she loved it all. So she has been a ray of
sunshine to us to make these past few weeks completely worth the effort.
Also it's been consistently cold here. Like 60 degrees farenheit every
morning most times a bit colder than that. Like 57. So thats
interesting. We've been freezing each day in the mornings, bundling up
like eskimoes almost. I'm glad I brought a pair of long john bottoms. I
know right weird.....I'm in Brasil where it's warm and I brought long
johns. Actually I think I was inspired to do so because when I was
packing I got the thought that I should and the thought came to mind.
It's going to be hot there. But then I threw them in just in case. And
turns out it's been cold and it's a good thing I brought them. Along
with a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. So, I havent been suffering from
the cold too much. But yeah anyways thats pretty much all thats happened
this week. Well of importance anyways. I bought a sweet portuguese to
english dictionary last monday. Cost me like 50 bucks. But, it was worth
it. It is an awesome dictionary. anyways, until next week. Elder Bender
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