Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Well, This week was good. Seemed kind of long. Don't know why......we were relatively busy. Well more towards the end of the week but yeah. I noticed today that the blog is a bit behind. Anyways, had some interesting things happen. Had some humbling experiences happen. So that was good but I expected it and it was a good experience. But, my companion and I baptized this week. That Lady I told you about, Maria. She's awesome. She's getting integrated into the ward nicely, and I think she'll be a great member. Also Cintia our other convert got confirmed yesterday. She's awesome. So all in all it was a good week. Today my comp and I will be celebrating with milkshakes and maybe pancakes.....I'm stoked! And this next week we got lots to do and lots of people to meet and help. So I'm also stoked for that too. Well, until next week,

Elder Bender

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