Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday, February 27, 2012

So, this week was a bit weird, but also kind of the same ´ol. We had a ton of investigators who said they were going to church. Then whe we went to go get them on sunday...........they weren´t home and they weren´t at church either. So that´s always dissappointing, however. One of our investigators was ready and waiting for us at her house with everything she needed for her baptism later that night........and......she called and payed for a taxi and we all rode to the church together. Awesome. She loved church and she got baptized later last night. Twas a good day. Euza (lady that got baptized) is super awesome. She´s hilarous too. She is retired and just stays home most days reading the bible and singing hymns to herself and just loves the Word of God and anything to do with God. She´s awesome, she not only accepted our messages right away, but she loved them, and she sees how much we have been blessed with the fullness of the gospel, a prophet and apostles in our days. She´s so legit. Haha she´s super funny because she is a bit forgetful. She has realy bad short term memory. But after a day she remembers everything. She´s so fun to talk to because of it. But like I said she does remember it the next day and she´s really smart and on top of things. But yeah she wants us to teach her daughter´s family and stuff so we have that and a ton of other stuff to do this week.  So, busy busy. Anyways, that is all until next week!
Spencer's Companion with some Capybaras

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