Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

So this week was much better than last week. We had much more success and met some really awesome people. Also we had a baptism! Cintia was baptized yesterday after church. She's awesome. She's really intelligent and she's only 16. It's rediculous. She has a passion for learning. Especially for learning the things of God through the scriptures. It's awesome. Also this week we got lots to do and lots to learn and stuff because me and my comp stayed together here in the same area. So as I said lots to do and lots to learn. I'm excited for this next week and for this next transfer.
Elder Bender

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

So this week was a doosey. In the way of not much happened. Searched alot for new people and found plenty. Sad thing was though that they didn't have time or didn't want anything. So that sucks. But we found a girl by the name of Cintia, she's legit. She's very smart and is progressing quickly. She loved church yesterday and she had a ton of questions afterwards. But she loved it all. So she has been a ray of sunshine to us to make these past few weeks completely worth the effort. Also it's been consistently cold here. Like 60 degrees farenheit every morning most times a bit colder than that. Like 57. So thats interesting. We've been freezing each day in the mornings, bundling up like eskimoes almost. I'm glad I brought a pair of long john bottoms. I know right weird.....I'm in Brasil where it's warm and I brought long johns. Actually I think I was inspired to do so because when I was packing I got the thought that I should and the thought came to mind. It's going to be hot there. But then I threw them in just in case. And turns out it's been cold and it's a good thing I brought them. Along with a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. So, I havent been suffering from the cold too much. But yeah anyways thats pretty much all thats happened this week. Well of importance anyways. I bought a sweet portuguese to english dictionary last monday. Cost me like 50 bucks. But, it was worth it. It is an awesome dictionary. anyways, until next week.  Elder Bender

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

So, this week was a bit slow. Not much success. But we were blessed to be able to see a miracle. An elder here had a huge surprise when his whole family showed up and he got to baptize his Father! His father had been anti mormon for like 40 years and I guess some missionary visited his parents home and listened to the spirit and said what the father needed to hear. Now that Elder's family is complete. And they can recieve the blessings of having an eternal family here in about a year. It was a very emotional baptismal meeting. And the spirit was poured out in abundance. Was a great experience to be able to be a part of. It taught me many things. But one in particular, that the Lord is aware of all of us, and is preparing the means to bless us in our lives with all that he has to offer, if we do what he asks we are worthy of those blessings and happiness, and we will recieve them. That I know for sure. 

Elder Bender

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

So this week was a bit difficult. Mostly because there is so much to do and so little time in the day to do all of it. Also I'm finding it very difficult to find those elects. But We are showing the members that we are wanting to work and that we are good missionaries, so hopefully the references will start coming soon. But until then we will continue to work hard and do everything we can, plus a little more with the help of the Lord. I am super excited for sunday, not only to call home but to see this one lady and her awesome son go to church. They are legit. I know they will love it. And the mom is kind of sensative to the spirit. Like, she feels the difference it makes everytime we're around and everytime she reads the Book of Mormon. So needless to say I'm excited for them. Now it's just up to prayers and helping the members to make them feel welcome. But yeah, got another week of hard work comin up. And zone conference on Friday. So that should be really good. Anyways, Anyways, I'm sending a photo of a thing I made and put on the bulletin board at church. Its pretty funny. The words mean, Row together, work with one another and progress. Thats it for this week, until the next!
Elder Bender

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

So, this last week was a toughy. New companion, and lots to do. Especially for me. My comp doesn't speak portuguese very well so I kind of have to do 90% of the talking. But oh well, I needed the chance to grow and to better my speaking abilities in the Language. And I'm super thankful to my last companion Morgan Gentry, who helped me out a ton with the language. It's halping me to help my companion that I have now. But we worked hard this week with not much success. But on the brightside, I got to see this one lady at church yesterday that me and Elder Elliott taught. That was cool, because she loved the first lesson and then she went traveling to Cabo Frio, my first area in the mission. And we passed the information on to the elders there and we never heard back about her. But turns out she got baptized! And she remembered me from when we taught her. So that was really cool to see her and to learn that our efforts made a difference in her life. We may not have been the ones to baptize her but we opened the door and helped her to start along the path. 

Elder Bender