Saturday, March 24, 2012

Monday, March 19, 2012

So this week was a little boring/disappointing. Alot of nothing happened. Mostly because alot of appointments fell. Woot. Spent alot of time walking in the street talking with my comp about strongbad emails and teen girl squad. Twas quite the convo. In reality, today is alright for tonight. And big muscly arms coming out the back of necks is totally legit. Also homestarrunner makes a good Strongbad and insults perfectly. But anyways, My comp touched a capybara. That was funny. And we also met some really nice people. Worked alot and searched forever but we did manage to find some. So we have them to look forward to this week. Oddly we had some really really good lunches this last week. And the members seem to like us alot more now. Mostly because we baptized Irma Aparecida and her daughter. They all thought it was impossible when we told them we were teaching her and her daughter. But then, because of inspiration from God and a miracle from hard work, they were both baptized. The members were impressed. So hopefully they will be more willing to work with us more often now. But they are good. Just like most members in the world. And we love them. Looking forward to this week. 

Elder Bender

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Well it turned out to be an exciting week! We had 2 baptisms! A mother and her youngest daughter. So that was a great day. Was also a bit interesting because the mom has a fear of water. So it was a little difficult for her. But we helped her though it. And now there are 2 more members in the family of 5. Just one that hasn't been baptized. But yeah also I found out today I'm staying here with Elder Elliot for another 6 weeks. So thats going to be cool. I'll probably get to go with him to Rio in 6 weeks and we'll go over by Copacabana and hit up some really cool stores over there. Should be sweet. But thats in 6 weeks. Anyways, things are looking good for this next 6 weeks I'm hoping to continue to learn alot and do lots of good in this area. Well, until next week.

Elder Bender

Baptism from two weeks ago.

Last week's baptisms.

Spencer FINALLY upgraded to better more walking everywhere!! LOL!!
Just kidding...I don't know if they call this a donkey or a burro down there??

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

So this week not alot has happened. Had some dissappointment this last week because none of our investigators went to church. However we are trying to reactivate this family in our ward and one of the daughters came to church with the active brother. So that made me happy. But yeah I´ve been seeing capybaras like almost everyday. So thats cool. Also it´s been pretty warm lately. Which is a bummer as well. But oh well I´m drinking a ton of water everyday because of it. Never thought I could drink and eat so much in a single day as I do. But thats what happens when you´re out walking around in the hot sun all day. I´m workin hard and enjoyin it. Transfers are next week. So that will be interesting. Hoping to stay. Pretty sure I will but only God knows for sure. Well until next week!


Monday, February 27, 2012

So, this week was a bit weird, but also kind of the same ´ol. We had a ton of investigators who said they were going to church. Then whe we went to go get them on sunday...........they weren´t home and they weren´t at church either. So that´s always dissappointing, however. One of our investigators was ready and waiting for us at her house with everything she needed for her baptism later that night........and......she called and payed for a taxi and we all rode to the church together. Awesome. She loved church and she got baptized later last night. Twas a good day. Euza (lady that got baptized) is super awesome. She´s hilarous too. She is retired and just stays home most days reading the bible and singing hymns to herself and just loves the Word of God and anything to do with God. She´s awesome, she not only accepted our messages right away, but she loved them, and she sees how much we have been blessed with the fullness of the gospel, a prophet and apostles in our days. She´s so legit. Haha she´s super funny because she is a bit forgetful. She has realy bad short term memory. But after a day she remembers everything. She´s so fun to talk to because of it. But like I said she does remember it the next day and she´s really smart and on top of things. But yeah she wants us to teach her daughter´s family and stuff so we have that and a ton of other stuff to do this week.  So, busy busy. Anyways, that is all until next week!
Spencer's Companion with some Capybaras