Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Well, This week was good. Seemed kind of long. Don't know why......we were relatively busy. Well more towards the end of the week but yeah. I noticed today that the blog is a bit behind. Anyways, had some interesting things happen. Had some humbling experiences happen. So that was good but I expected it and it was a good experience. But, my companion and I baptized this week. That Lady I told you about, Maria. She's awesome. She's getting integrated into the ward nicely, and I think she'll be a great member. Also Cintia our other convert got confirmed yesterday. She's awesome. So all in all it was a good week. Today my comp and I will be celebrating with milkshakes and maybe pancakes.....I'm stoked! And this next week we got lots to do and lots of people to meet and help. So I'm also stoked for that too. Well, until next week,

Elder Bender

Monday, June 11, 2012

So this week was a bit slow and difficult. Mostly because we are having trouble finding people to teach. However, we did have some success with an investigator who is the girlfriend of a less active member. She really wants to help her boyfriend to get active in church and stop drinking and smoking. Also she is super super awesome. She's such a good person. I can feel the goodness radiating from her. It's crazy. Honestly I haven't yet met someone like her here. She's just so kind. It's rediculous. So needless to say I'm stoked to work with them and to help them out. Now I just gottqa do all I can to have the spirit with me when I go there and help them to feel it. So the Dedication of the Temple in Manaus was AWESOME! President Deiter F. Uchdorf presided with Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the 12 and Also Elder Walker of the 70. But we got to go to all 3 sessions which were broadcasted at the stake center. Was super awesome. Learned alot about the blessings of the temple and also about temples. Learned some stuff that went completely over my head when I went to the Nauvoo Temple dedication. So all in all it was a great experience. Helped me out a lot. Mostly because we don't have a temple here and it was an opportunity to feel the spirit of the temple there in the chapel which was an extension of the temple during the session. But President Uchdorf was Hilarious during the sealing of the cornerstone. The translator was doing nothing so all the brasilians missed out. But it was hilarious all of his ''comments''. But anyways, thats about it for now, until next week.

Elder Bender

Monday, June 4, 2012

So this week was a bit slow, mostly because we had trouble finding people to teach. And we had alot of cancelations. But thats alright. BECAUSE, we are teaching this Lady who is awesome. She's progressing nicely. We're planning on a baptism for the 24th of this month. So that should be legit. But yeah. I'm starting to see the great blessings of the Lord in my service. Especially those that come from testifying of the truth. I'm starting to really see a difference in our investigators and their actions. So that is really cool, because it means that the Spirit is testifying to the truth of our words, and it's making a difference in the lives of our investigators. This next Sunday, we get to see a Temple dedication of the Manaus Temple! So it will be the first time being in a temple since I left the CTM in São Paulo. It will be because the First Presidency said that all the chapels that show the live broadcast will be extensions of the temple. So it will be a unique experience that I'm looking forward to. Anyways, until next week. 

Elder Bender