Saturday, November 26, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

**Spencer's Birthday is Friday, November 25!!**

Here is alright. My companion and I went to Rio today. I was sad that my package hadn´t arrived yet. I was hoping to get it before my birthday but sadly it wasn´t there. But we went to a pizza rodizio and I got hooked up with free OJ and soda. So that was cool. I think it was a mix up though. Oh well. I didn´t know until afterward. Anyways, Things are good. A bit slow but good. We are probably going to be cutting of a bunch of our investigators this week. Because they just aren´t progressing. When I say progressing I mean they arent doing the things they need to do to get answers and testimonies. We´ve told them time and time again and they just don´t do it. Tis sad. But we hope to be meeting alot of really cool people this next week and helping our investigators that we are keeping. Anyways, I don´t know if we are going to be able to get that other house until after the new year. But, I hope that we can. So there at home sounds like things are pretty interesting. Mother of 10 with cancer? Dang that sucks. Hope the family is cool and can get baptized. Thats a major find there in the mission of those sisters. They´ve gotta be doin something right to be finding families like that. The mother sounds like an elect. And if her kids are anything like her then that is totally legit. Oh yes we are walking alot still. No my pants aren't to big yet. they are still normal. We will never have bikes here. And same thing with cars. it´s too dangerous. Way too dangerous. Everyone drives like they are on crack here. Which they probably are. But thats beside the point. I find it kind of funny because they all have to go to a driving school to get a license. Yet everyone still drives like psychos? Makes no sense. So Crack is the only logical explanation. Um water here is apparently bad......but I use that stuff you gave me. Also, our faucet broke last night.´s kind of hard to get water now. But we always drink water at members houses and stuff and I don´t know if they always filter it so I´ll probably get some kind of worms or a parasite. That´ll be legit. Not. Most of the black people here look at me like I have a gaping wound on my face. Or they ask me dumb questions. It´s kind of annoying sometimes. But it´s funny when they ask my companion instead if he´s from a different country. He gets irritated. Hahaha. Have I told you about makoomba stuff yet? So it´s like voodoo devil worship stuff. it´s all over the place here. People arent afraid to show that they are practicing either. Kind of crazy. They do all sorts of sexual rituals and animal sacrifices and weird crap to invite evil spirits and junk. It´s psycho. But anyways......yeah 6 months went by really fast. Alot has happened in this short period of time but it´s been really good. Oh did I tell you we had a special conference with Elder David A. Bednar of the quorum of the twelve apostles. That was really awesome. I learned a ton. Tell dad to find the two talks by him and read them they are really really good. ``Learning by Faith´´, ``Ask in Faith´´ learned alot during the conference. it was really cool to see him so close and listen to him speak. He truly teaches like the Savior. Simply and yet spiritually. Letting the spirit teach the most. It´s so cool. I know without a doubt He is an Apostle of God. The spirit that he brings with him everywhere is powerful and you can feel that he is the Lord´s chosen servant. Just amazing. Anyways, things are really good. Got alot of work to do and alot to study and learn. And with lots to do there is much to be gained. And so until next week I love you mom, and I love and miss all of the family and friends that will be reading this letter.
Elder Bender

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