Thursday, September 1, 2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Things are good here, This last week we taught 3 families, all of which we committed to go to church this past sunday. And all of them didn´t go. Was sad. Because now we have to wait another 2 weeks before they can be baptized. Been prayin for them everyday. But I feel that things will work out. Churches here are crazy! It´s a miracle if you can walk more than 4 blocks and not find another church. It´s crazy. And you can really see how real the scriptures are when they talk about the people that are honest seekers of truth but they know not where to find it or are blinded by the craftiness of men. I have a picture of one such crazy church that I´m including with this email. We had zone conference this last week. It was really good. Got to see my buddies Elder Sanchez and Elder Richins and Elder Laurindo......was awesome. Our Mission pres. taught us some really good stuff to incorporate into our teaching and invitations to investigators and it´s been accepted really well by investigators. Found out that I only get mail like every 3 months. Unless I eventually get transferred to an area close to the office. So thats a bit of a downer. But, oh well. Summer is coming quickly. It´s hot everyday. Humid too. I´m going to a shell of my past self here soon. gonna sweat everything away. Don´t know what I´m going to do when all my clothes don´t fit. But, it will be good. I´m loving it here and am having a great time serving. Learning alot everyday. Love my companion. He´s awesome. Everyday I love him more. We´ll be friends for a long time after the mission, I already know it. Haha had my first close encounter with an angry dog. Haha he almost attacked my companion. But I was ready to punt that cachorro into a world of pain and I think he knew it because he backed down when I got closer. Smart dog. It was really funny afterwards. Haha our zone leaders stayed with us last night because of a gay parade in their city. Haha apparently they mess up church peoples if they see them on the street, so they stayed with us. Hahaha. Anyways thats all for this last week. Looking forward to this next week. Can´t believe it´s almost been 4 months. Crazy. Love Elder Bender

**Note: There wasn't a picture may not have come through with his email. He's had trouble with it before.

Fun Fact:  Carnival fact - Rio Carnival as we know it today is a far cry from the event's beginnings in 1641, when the Portuguese settlers celebrated Ash Wednesday with masked balls and sophisticated parties. Samba began to make its mark on the carnival festivities at the beginning of the 20th Century, with the first official Samba School created in 1928.

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