Thursday, December 6, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Here are some pictures Spencer sent on Monday.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

So, it's been a long time since I wrote anything for the blog but things are going well. I'm being transferred to a different area. Ramos. It's closer to the center of Rio though. It's like part of the metropolitan area of Rio. But, I'm sad to leave this area, and my comp and the people here in this ward and area. Twas fun while it lasted. I hope that things will be good there in Ramos. Especially with my birthday and christmas coming up. But things are good with me and I'm learning more and growing everyday. Well, thats all for now, untill next time.
Elder Bender

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Monday, Aug 27, 2012

Hey everyone so I know it's been a while since I wrote anything but I am doing fine. I'm workin hard and tryin hard to be a good friend to my comp and help a bunch of people. It's getting hotter here, and it hasn't rained in a long time. So thats a bit of a bummer. But things are going good. Time is flying. And I really like the area that I'm in. Even though a majority of the roads are dirt and my shoes are always dirty, the members are super nice. But yeah anyways, I hope that all is well on the homefront. Until next time. 

Elder Bender

Monday, July 30, 2012

So this week was good. We had an awesome conference with the Brasil area president Elder Claudio R.M. Costa of the quorum of the Seventy. Twas super legit. He spoke about many things that I can apply and learn from in my mission and my life right now. So it was an awesome learning experience to say the least. We had to go to Rio super early in the morning to miss all the traffic and stuff. That was lame. But I got to see some cool places because we fell asleep on the bus and missed our stop. But the ride back to our area after the conference was totally lame. bus was full and we had to stand for like 3 hours on the bus in rush hour traffic. Took like 2 hours to cross the bridge from rio to Níteroi which normally takes only 7 minutes to cross. When we got back to the apartment I was dead tired. Passed out and didn't wake up till morning. And in the morning I was still tired. But anyways that is all, untill next week.

Elder Bender

Monday, July 23, 2012

So this week was good, and we baptized! Eva and João. Was a bit of a struggle to get everything ready and set for the baptism, We had to go to another chapel in another nearby city to have the baptism. But it was good. Had a good week workin well and helpin people. I would send pictures but at the moment I cannot send them using this LAN house. But I will send pictures in the future. I have continued to find a bunch of old coins here. Well older coins not super old. But thats cool. It's a cool area with lots of cool people. Well until next week.

Elder Bender

Monday, July 16, 2012

So I got transferred to Apolo. It's back in Rio. It's between the cities of São Gonçalo and Itaboraí. So it's really close to the area that I worked in about a year ago. Had a big stake party thing on Saturday. I got to see a bunch of the people that I met and worked with back in that area. Was super cool to see a ton of awesome people again. Especially one of my recent converts. Also got to see 2 of my past comps at transfers. So that was cool. One went home. Mission completed. Took a pic with him so that was cool. But yeah this week my comp and I worked decently. Brasillian. Only speaks portuguese. Awesome. Exactly what I wanted. Blessing for sure. Although I'm seeing that the mission is making me a little nit picky and easily annoyed. Not sure why. Maybe I need to learn more patience instead of losing it like I have been. Who knows maybe once you hit your maximum you just start to lose it. This new area is quite different. People are more receptive. And the Ward is far more willing to work with us and to help the work. So thats pretty legit. Also the chapel is a big house. And the baptismal font is a pool! It's big, and dirty. We get to clean it this week. Should be fun.......We're working with a few people at the moment. Nothing in particular has happened, thats super incredible anyways. Found a ton of old coins here in this area. Thats interesting. Found lioke 11 of them yesterday. It's easier to find them after it rains. But yeah thats pretty much it for this last week. It was a good week though.

Elder Bender

Friday, July 13, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

I got transferred. Gonna have a brasillian comp. I'm looking forward to it. Gonna be just me and him in that place. And apparently he's from Ceara which is awesome. My second comp was from there and he was hilarious. My LD says my new comp is practically the same. So, this should be a interesting transfer. I'm sad to have to leave this area and a bunch of the people that I have met and grown to love. But, it's for the best and the Lord needs me in my next area. The lame thing is that food is going to be more expensive and same thing with buses. And it's a bit hotter. But oh well. Should be good.

Elder Bender

Monday, June 25, 2012

Things are going good. Not really a lot of new people to teach. But, our recent converts are progressing nicely. Maria received the holy ghost yesterday at sacrament meeting. And she had a good experience. The main thing about this week was the fact that we were able to help a past recent convert that my last comp and I baptized. She doesn't have a testimony. And it was mostly because of the way things were rushed. But now she's working on it. And we're prayin for her a lot and the Ward is going to help out a bunch too. This ward is changing and getting better. So it's a good thing. But this week we should be doin a decent amount of stuff. So should be good. Been eating a lot of pancakes since I got Emily's recipe. I made a decent sized batch of Syrup and put it in a glass bottle. So been eatin decently. It's a nice taste of home. Even though the brown sugar here isn't refined and has an odd taste. But then again everyone tells me that al the best stuff gets imported to the States and all the bad stuff stays here and is sold to the people. Now that I think about it I probably ought to get some more cookies......Jubilee jumbles with burnt butter frosting....?

Elder Bender

Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

Well, This week was good. Seemed kind of long. Don't know why......we were relatively busy. Well more towards the end of the week but yeah. I noticed today that the blog is a bit behind. Anyways, had some interesting things happen. Had some humbling experiences happen. So that was good but I expected it and it was a good experience. But, my companion and I baptized this week. That Lady I told you about, Maria. She's awesome. She's getting integrated into the ward nicely, and I think she'll be a great member. Also Cintia our other convert got confirmed yesterday. She's awesome. So all in all it was a good week. Today my comp and I will be celebrating with milkshakes and maybe pancakes.....I'm stoked! And this next week we got lots to do and lots of people to meet and help. So I'm also stoked for that too. Well, until next week,

Elder Bender

Monday, June 11, 2012

So this week was a bit slow and difficult. Mostly because we are having trouble finding people to teach. However, we did have some success with an investigator who is the girlfriend of a less active member. She really wants to help her boyfriend to get active in church and stop drinking and smoking. Also she is super super awesome. She's such a good person. I can feel the goodness radiating from her. It's crazy. Honestly I haven't yet met someone like her here. She's just so kind. It's rediculous. So needless to say I'm stoked to work with them and to help them out. Now I just gottqa do all I can to have the spirit with me when I go there and help them to feel it. So the Dedication of the Temple in Manaus was AWESOME! President Deiter F. Uchdorf presided with Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the 12 and Also Elder Walker of the 70. But we got to go to all 3 sessions which were broadcasted at the stake center. Was super awesome. Learned alot about the blessings of the temple and also about temples. Learned some stuff that went completely over my head when I went to the Nauvoo Temple dedication. So all in all it was a great experience. Helped me out a lot. Mostly because we don't have a temple here and it was an opportunity to feel the spirit of the temple there in the chapel which was an extension of the temple during the session. But President Uchdorf was Hilarious during the sealing of the cornerstone. The translator was doing nothing so all the brasilians missed out. But it was hilarious all of his ''comments''. But anyways, thats about it for now, until next week.

Elder Bender